First Nations justice

Because reconciliation requires action.
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First Nations justice priorities

We work closely with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and organisations to tackle injustice in the child protection system, raise the age of criminal responsibility, address discrimination in the policing of Aboriginal young people and tell the truth about our history.

Discriminatory policing card

Discriminatory policing

Call out discriminatory police practices

Aboriginal child protection

Family is Culture

Driving reform of the NSW child protection system

banner TOWARDS Truth kids scaled

Towards Truth

A ground-breaking tool to empower truth-telling

raise the age

Raise the Age

Ten-year-olds don't belong in prisons and police cells

News and resources

Solicitor and Dharug woman, Kate Sinclair discusses the productivity commission's new report on Closing the Gap targets.
Research from Towards Truth shows how the National Parks system has prevented Aboriginal people from accessing Country.
JEC Towards Truth Project Manager, Corey Smith and Bridget Cama, from the UNSW ILC discuss the efforts and aims of Towards Truth.
The Family is Culture community report called for greater investment into peak Aboriginal bodies.
We joined AbSec, ALS and UTS Jumbunna Institute for Indigenous Education and Research in calling for urgent action on child protection reforms.
Aunty Debra Swan wrote a powerful opinion piece in the Guardian about her long history fighting for Aboriginal children and what needs to happen now.

Every donation helps build a fairer, stronger society.