First Nations justice

Because reconciliation requires action.
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First Nations justice priorities

We work closely with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and organisations to tackle injustice in the child protection system, raise the age of criminal responsibility, address discrimination in the policing of Aboriginal young people and tell the truth about our history.

Discriminatory policing card

Discriminatory policing

Call out discriminatory police practices

Aboriginal child protection

Family is Culture

Driving reform of the NSW child protection system

banner TOWARDS Truth kids scaled

Towards Truth

A ground-breaking tool to empower truth-telling

raise the age

Raise the Age

Ten-year-olds don't belong in prisons and police cells

News and resources

Solicitor Lucy Kelley joined 2SER breakfast to discuss the recent Community Report Card assessing NSW Government implementation of the Family is Culture review recommendations.
Towards Truth Director Anna Harding appeared on 2SER Breakfast to discuss the project's housing research.
Towards Truth is a partnership between PIAC and UNSW Indigenous Law Centre.
Our CEO Jonathon Hunyor urged reform of the fines system in the National Indigenous Times.
An opinion piece about truth-telling from Towards Truth's Sally Treveton, published in the National Indigenous Times.
Legal experts say failure by successive governments to support young people and meet Closing the Gap targets has resulted in an alarming number of young people – and a record

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