NIT: Truth-telling can change lives by changing minds
Towards Truth Project Manager Corey Smith explains how truth-telling provides a path to understanding our history.
Towards Truth Project Manager Corey Smith explains how truth-telling provides a path to understanding our history.
Director of Policy and Advocacy, Alastair Lawrie, explained why the Government needs to do more to include LGBTQI+ Australians in the next Census.
Ngemba man and Towards Truth Project Manager Corey Smith spoke to 2SER about the potential of the Truth and Justice Commission Bill.
StreetCare member Alex* spoke about his experiences of over-policing in his social housing community.
Senior Solicitor Mitchell Skipsey explained why this reform serves the public interest.
Douglas McCloskey, Energy and Water Justice Program Director, cautiously welcomed the NSW Consumer Energy Strategy.
Energy and Water Justice Program Director Douglas McCloskey said reforms are making the system fairer, but much more is needed.
Alastair Lawrie, Director of Policy and Advocacy, commented on the Government’s proposed hate speech bill.
Senior Solicitor Erin Turner Manners discussed the Government’s Aviation White Paper and what it could mean for travellers with disability.
JEC clients Emma Bennison and Graeme Innes shared how airlines and airports have discriminated against them.
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