Family is Culture

Aboriginal children belong with their families and communities, connected to culture and Country.

But too many Aboriginal families are torn apart by a child protection system that perpetuates injustice and discrimination.

We work in partnership with AbSec – NSW Child, Family and Community Peak Aboriginal Corporation, the Aboriginal Legal Service (NSW/ACT) and UTS Jumbunna Institute, to drive much-needed reform of the NSW child protection system.

While Aboriginal people make up less than 4% of the population in NSW, in June 2023 nearly 46% of children in out of home care were Aboriginal. Aboriginal kids are 11 times more likely to be removed from their families than non-Indigenous children. This disproportion continues to increase, year on year.

The Aboriginal-led Family is Culture Review provided a roadmap for transforming the system.  Achieving full implementation of the FIC Review’s recommendations continues to be our focus. The recommendations place self-determination and accountability to community at the heart of child protection decision-making. To date, implementation of the Review’s 126 recommendations has been disappointingly and unjustifiably slow.

A strong, supported family is the best place for every child to grow up. Our work urges the NSW Government to honour its commitments to ‘Closing the Gap’, respect the expertise of Aboriginal families in raising strong, healthy and resilient children, and form genuine partnerships with Aboriginal communities to keep kids safe and at home.

News and resources

Solicitor and Dharug woman, Kate Sinclair discusses the productivity commission's new report on Closing the Gap targets.
The Family is Culture community report called for greater investment into peak Aboriginal bodies.
We joined AbSec, ALS and UTS Jumbunna Institute for Indigenous Education and Research in calling for urgent action on child protection reforms.
Aunty Debra Swan wrote a powerful opinion piece in the Guardian about her long history fighting for Aboriginal children and what needs to happen now.
Reflecting on five years of inaction since the Family Is Culture Review, Aboriginal organisations are calling for urgent and meaningful reform.
Five years after the landmark Family is Culture report, we joined Aboriginal organisations in saying 'enough is enough'.

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