Civil rights

Because those with power must be accountable.
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Civil rights hero 1600 x 900

Civil rights priorities

We expose and challenge discriminatory and unlawful policing practices, inhumane treatment of asylum seekers, and harsh conditions in youth detention. We work with people and communities affected by injustice and discrimination, to protect their rights and drive law and policy reform.

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Access to justice

Demanding transparency, accountability and access

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Strengthening protections for all people

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Asylum seeker rights

Protecting fundamental human rights

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Policing and detention

Ensuring fair and lawful treatment

raise the age

Raise the Age

Ten-year-olds don't belong in prisons and police cells

News and resources

CEO Jonathon Hunyor responded to NSW Premier Minns praise of higher jail and remand rates.
JEC Director of Policy and Advocacy, Alastair Lawrie calls for the Minns Government to address serious gaps in the new hate speech laws.
Today, NSW Parliament passed the Minns Government’s Crimes Amendment (Inciting Racial Hatred) Bill 2025. As a result: While courts have confirmed that ‘racial hatred’ includes antisemitism, other types of prejudice
The Minns Government's Crimes Amendment (Inciting Racial Hatred) Bill 2025 fails to protect many vulnerable groups in the NSW community.
Commentary from Director of Policy and Advocacy, Alastair Lawrie, was featured in analysis of new hate speech laws.
JEC Director of Policy and Advocacy, Alastair Lawrie, explains how LGBTIQ+ people remain unprotected despite recent changes to NSW Hate Speech laws.

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