We must achieve deep and urgent systemic change across our economy and society to prevent catastrophic climate change. NSW has acknowledged this by committing to a net zero emission target by 2050. How do we make this transition in our energy system in a way that promotes and protects social justice and human rights?
Join us for this special zoom forum and hear from The Hon. Matt Kean MP, NSW Minister for Energy and Environment* and renowned social researcher and author Dr Rebecca Huntley, in conversation with Donna Luckman (Coalition for Community Energy), Craig Memery (Head of PIAC’s Energy and Water Consumers’ Advocacy Program) and Simon Holmes à Court (Energy Transition Hub, Melbourne University), to discuss how we can make a just transition to a sustainable world.
*Due to parliament being in session at the time of our event. Minister Kean will be sharing a pre-recorded address for the panel discussion.
Event Details
When: Wednesday 14 October 2020, 6:30pm – 7:30pm
Where: zoom meeting access details to be provided prior to the event
RSVP: Register your attendance via Eventbrite
Enquiries: If you have any requirements that will assist you to participate in this event, please contact Ann Sloan via email [email protected] or call (02) 8898 6523.
Matt Kean is the NSW Minister for Energy and Environment. Minister Kean was elected as the member for Hornsby in 2011. As Energy and Environment Minister since April 2019, the Minister wants to ensure the community has access to energy that is affordable and reliable. He’s also determined to tackle climate change and eager to leave the planet in a better state than the one we inherited.
Dr Rebecca Huntley
Rebecca Huntley is one of Australians foremost researchers on social trends. She was previously the Director of The Mind & Mood Report and currently heads Vox Populi research. Rebecca is on the board of The Bell Shakespeare Company and The Whitlam Institute. Her latest book, How to Talk About Climate Change in a Way That Makes a Difference, was published in July 2020.
Simon Holmes à Court
Simon is a director of the Smart Energy Council, senior advisor to the Energy Transition Hub at Melbourne University and writes regularly about the transformation of Australia’s energy sector. He has spent more than a decade in precision farm water management, and built the country’s first community-owned wind farm, Hepburn Wind, near Daylesford in Central Victoria.
Donna Luckman
Donna Luckman has over 20 years’ experience working for sustainability and environment organisations. She is the former CEO of Renew, a national organisation that advocates for people to live sustainably in their homes and communities. Donna is currently the Chair of the Advisory Panel for My Energy Marketplace and on the Board of the Coalition for Community Energy.
Craig Memery
Craig Memery leads the Energy and Water Consumers’ Advocacy Program (EWCAP) at PIAC. Since joining the energy sector in 2002, Craig has managed demand and supply-side energy projects; provided economic, technical and policy advice to government, community and private sectors, and provided thought leadership on long standing and emerging challenges for the sector.
We represented Emma Bennison in a complaint to the Australian Human Rights Commission, which has brought a commitment from Jetstar to improve accessibility.
PIAC Climate and Energy Forum – 14 Oct
We must achieve deep and urgent systemic change across our economy and society to prevent catastrophic climate change. NSW has acknowledged this by committing to a net zero emission target by 2050. How do we make this transition in our energy system in a way that promotes and protects social justice and human rights?
Join us for this special zoom forum and hear from The Hon. Matt Kean MP, NSW Minister for Energy and Environment* and renowned social researcher and author Dr Rebecca Huntley, in conversation with Donna Luckman (Coalition for Community Energy), Craig Memery (Head of PIAC’s Energy and Water Consumers’ Advocacy Program) and Simon Holmes à Court (Energy Transition Hub, Melbourne University), to discuss how we can make a just transition to a sustainable world.
*Due to parliament being in session at the time of our event. Minister Kean will be sharing a pre-recorded address for the panel discussion.
Event Details
When: Wednesday 14 October 2020, 6:30pm – 7:30pm
Where: zoom meeting access details to be provided prior to the event
RSVP: Register your attendance via Eventbrite
Enquiries: If you have any requirements that will assist you to participate in this event, please contact Ann Sloan via email [email protected] or call (02) 8898 6523.
The Hon. Matt Kean, MP
Dr Rebecca Huntley
Simon Holmes à Court
Donna Luckman
Craig Memery
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