Transforming our housing system towards housing for all – Submission to A Housing Strategy for NSW Discussion Paper

PIAC’s submission argues for a comprehensive, end-to-end housing strategy for the state to drive positive change in our housing system and to help address our homelessness crisis. 
Our submission advocates for strategically targeted housing supply delivering benefits for all people and communities. A central focus of our submission is a revised plan for delivering enough social housing to meet the diverse needs of people who are unable to access the private rental market, and to end homelessness. We also identify opportunities for improved management and optimal use of social housing stock and public land over the long term.  
We also argue for legislative and policy reforms to deliver stability and security in the private rental market. Tenure security is essential to provide people stability, build strong communities, relieve pressure on social housing and homelessness systems, and ultimately reduce the incidence of homelessness.
The final part of PIAC submission focuses on setting a path towards healthy and comfortable homes through the NSW Housing Strategy, supported by a range of policy measures. 
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