System Restart Standard review

Publication date:
23 September 2020
Resource type:

PIAC responded to the Reliability Panel’s consultation paper on the System Restart Standard review 2020.

PIAC supports expanding the range of providers of System Restart Ancillary Services (SRAS) as determined in the AEMC’s earlier rule change, considering it’s an opportunity to update the procurement and operation of SRAS in order to bring it in line with the evolving NEM and provide the level of system resilience that consumers are willing to pay for.

We highlight interconnectors should be considered as a possible SRAS source to complement currently eligible providers in order to deliver the deliver the most prudent and efficient option.

We agree with the Panel that the provision of SRAS by network businesses would be a departure from the current framework, and recommend it be examined further to develop how the current framework may be reformed to allow it where appropriate.


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