Submission to Tune Review of the NDIS Act and the NDIS Participant Service Guarantee

Publication date:
22 October 2019
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PIAC made a submission to the Review of the NDIS Act and the NDIS Participant Service Guarantee, led by Mr David Tune AO PSM. This submission makes policy and legislative reform recommendations which are aimed at improving the administration of the NDIS and enabling participants to enjoy greater choice and control in accessing supports under the Scheme.

PIAC’s submission reflects consultations with stakeholders in the disability community, including people with disability, advocates, Legal Aid Commissions and academics. The key issues addressed concern:

  • The eligibility criteria for the NDIS, specifically the definition of ‘permanent’ impairments
  • The planning process, including inconsistency in plan approvals, issues with the concept of financial sustainability, and issues with the interaction between the NDIS and other support services
  • Complexity and delays in internal merits reviews
  • The appeals process, specifically the implementation of systemic changes following successful outcomes on appeal
  • Principles for the proposed Participant Service Guarantee
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