Submission to the NSW Department of Planning and Environment Review of BASIX Standards

Publication date:
28 February 2022
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PIAC made a submissions to the NSW Department of Planning and Environment in response to the review of the BASIX standards for new residential construction. PIAC strongly supported improvement of the BASIX standards in line with National Trajectory for Low Energy Homes recommendations for new homes to be built to at least the equivalent of 7-star in the Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme (NatHERS).

PIAC highlighted the need for new housing standards to ensure the NSW community has access to homes fit for the future, today. Household energy efficiency standards must be consistent with NSW Government climate policy, support improved affordability of household energy needs, and support household health and community resilience in response to the impacts of climate change.

New houses should not include network gas connections, and should be ready for solar, battery and new technology installations that help households and the energy system benefit from the efficient and flexible balancing of generation and load.

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