Submission to the Joint Standing Committee on the NDIS Planning Inquiry

Publication date:
6 September 2019
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PIAC made a short submission to the Joint Standing Committee on the NDIS’ inquiry into the NDIS planning process. This submission focuses on the appeals aspect of the planning process, and draws on our consultations with people with disability, peak bodies, disability advocacy organisations, Legal Aid Commissions, academics and other stakeholders.

PIAC’s submission focuses on the lack of transparency around settlement outcomes of appeals to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal, and recommends the publication of a settlement outcomes register. The proposed register would provide de-identified information about the outcomes of settlements, including information on what supports were sought by a participant, what was originally approved, and what the NDIA ultimately agreed to provide. PIAC submits that the publication of this information would improve the transparency, accountability and consistency of NDIA decision-making, and would improve the ability of participants to understand decisions and outcomes of appeals.

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