Submission to the AER’s stand-alone power systems guidelines

Publication date:
1 July 2022
Resource type:

EWCAP provided feedback on the AER’s proposed changes to six documents following the AEMC’s National Electricity Amendment (Regulated stand-alone power systems) Rule 2022

  • Regulatory Investment Test for Distribution Application Guidelines
  • Connection Charge Guidelines
  • Distribution Service Classification Guidelines
  • Distribution Reliability Measures Guidelines
  • Regulatory Investment Test for Distribution
  • Expenditure Forecast Assessment Guideline

Drawing on extensive involvement and expertise in SAPS related reforms, EWCAP proposed a change to the RIT-D threshold to reflect the potential for one or more SAPS to be more cost effective than some investments below the current $6M threshold, and made additional suggestions regarding the calculation of market benefits and reliability outcomes and clarification of language regarding definitions and exclusions.

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