Submission to IPART’s Review of Hunter Water Operating Licence

Publication date:
8 April 2022
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PIAC made a submission in response to IPARTs draft report as part of their Hunter Water Operating Licence Review. PIAC welcomed IPARTs recognition of stakeholder input and the improved structure, clarity and accessibility of the draft report. The draft report should serve as an example for how IPART processes can be more transparent and accessible to the community.

PIAC broadly supported the draft report and highlighted specific aspects of the draft for further comment, support or recommended amendment. Specifically:

  • Supported drinking water quality standards that meet NSW health requirements as a minimum and recommended Australian Drinking Water Guidelines be met where they are superior.
  • Supported application of conservation and efficiency measures to all aspects of Hunter Waters cycle of operations.
  • Strongly supported extension of a range of obligations for information provision and assistance, in the customer contract, to renters and tenants.
  • Recommended communication of customers rights not be restricted to digital platforms, and be required to be accessible to all members of the community.
  • Recommended that the licence retain some prescription in how Hunter Water must consult with their community, and recommend that references to ‘customers’ be expanded to refer to the community.
  • Strongly supported the expanded licence objectives recognising resilience, sustainability, and equity.
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