Submission to IPART’s Review of Central Coast Council Water Prices

Publication date:
14 April 2022
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PIAC made a submission to IPART in response to their draft report for their review of Central Coast Council Water prices. PIAC supported the work undertaken by IPART in this review and the improved efforts to consult with the community and incorporate their views into the draft report.

PIAC highlighted the serious and well-founded concerns the community has regarding the performance of Central Coast Council Water and their failure to meet the service requirements of the community. We supported the community’s lack of confidence that Central Coast Council Water will deliver service improvements which justify the material price increases proposed.

PIAC strongly recommended IPART prioritise community preferences and re-evaluate the draft with a focus on mitigating cost increases and consider further measures to improve affordability, and provide greater certainty to the community that past performance issues will be addressed.

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