Submission to IPART Sydney Water Operating Licence Review 2023-24 Issues Paper

Publication date:
15 September 2023
Resource type:

PIAC made a submission in response to IPARTs issues paper as part of their Sydney Water Operating Licence Review. PIAC welcomed the improvement in the accessibility of IPARTs process and the community stakeholder engagement undertaken in advance of the issues paper.

We responded in detail to several aspects of the issues paper, focusing on opportunities for ongoing improvement to the focus on embedded equity, sustainability and more consistent, community focussed practices in all aspects of Sydney Water’s operations. Specifically:

  • Recommending upgrades to the objectives of the operating licence to improve focus on the responsibility of Sydney Water to promote the long-term interests of the community.
  • Highlighting the need for a step change in the consistency, scope and public accessibility of performance reporting for Sydney Water, as part of wider measures address to mirror arrangements in energy business reporting.
  • Recommending greater alignment between conservation, climate risk-readiness and drought response measures to ensure more robust and efficient action by Sydney Water. Including consideration of alternative Government funding for measures undertaken by Sydney Water to improve urban environment resilience.
  • Detailing recommendations regarding reforms to relationships with tenants, improvements to domestic and family violence practices, and the effectiveness and consistency of measures to support affordability and assist those facing payment difficulty.
  • Outlining opportunities to align Sydney Water stakeholder and community engagement with best practice, and ensure ongoing improvement.
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