Review of the regulatory framework for metering services

Publication date:
26 February 2021
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The Public Interest Advocacy Centre made a submission to the AEMC’s consultation paper as part of its review of the regulatory framework for metering services.

PIAC’s submission welcomes the review and recognition that the retail-lead rollout of advanced metering, implemented as part of the Power of Choice reforms, has not delivered the intended outcomes and is in need of review. We highlighted the lack of alignment between incentives and responsibilities that results from the current framework and the absence of prioritised objectives for metering.

PIAC recommended the review recommence metering reform from first principles, rather than adapt the current framework. It should seek to define the role of metering in the energy system, and assess how consumers relate to it, and how best to align the framework accordingly.

Our submission considered metering should be regarded as a technical component of the physical infrastructure required to deliver an essential service, with advanced metering rollout regarded as the implementation of higher technical standards. The resulting process should assign roles and cost recovery, and set targets to achieve timely and efficient rollout.

The universal availability of capable advanced metering will be crucial to an effective, rapid and efficient transition of the energy system.

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