Responding to reality:

PIAC submission to the Australian Government’s Green Paper to inform the development of an Energy White Paper
Publication date:
4 November 2014
Resource type:

This submission expresses concern that the Energy White Paper does not address climate change mitigation or adaption and recommends that the White Paper develop recommendations within the context of the climate change already underway, with a priority on reducing Australia’s emissions, both domestically and through its exports. Similarly, it suggests that the Energy White Paper review the risks as well as opportunities associated with Australia’s resource exports and all Australian Governments wind back subsidies for the mining industry. The Renewable Energy Target is endorsed in its current form and it is recommended that the Australian governments should further investigate how to support the installation of solar PV and solar hot water on existing public and social housing. PIAC supports the proposed Governance Review of the National Electricity Market and recommends the COAG Energy Council examine how future energy market reform processes can be undertaken in more timely manner. Other recommendations are made in regard to gas, electric vehicles, vehicle emission standards, the Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards (GEMS) program and the proposed National Productivity Plan.

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