Re-leased: improving standards for tenants

Publication date:
29 January 2016
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The submission Re-leased: improving standards for tenants responds to the NSW Department of Fair Trading’s discussion paper Residential Tenancies Act 2010 Review (the discussion paper). PIACs submission responds to the review based on its experience with clients affected by the operation of the Act, particularly in two program areas, the Homeless Persons’ Legal Service (HPLS) and the Energy and Water Consumer Advocacy Program (EWCAP).

The purpose for the review is to update the legislation in a number of areas, such as starting and ending a tenancy, rental bonds, accommodation standards and dispute resolution mechanisms. HPLS identify a number of areas for amendment, such as the required protection for tenants surrounding termination of a tenancy without grounds. HPLS also encourages change to the legislation to consider greater protection for women who have been subjected to domestic violence and are at risk of losing their tenancy.

EWCAP sees opportunity in the review to implement standards surrounding energy efficiency, whereby appliances and structures within the home could be modified. EWCAP believes the benefits of these standards would assist energy and water consumers across NSW who are renting. These benefits include : reducing energy use (and therefore a lowering of tenants’ energy lower bills); comfortable living standards that promote health benefits to tenants; as well as the potential reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.

The submission addresses these areas for improvement in light of the two program areas within PIAC.


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