This submission outlines PIAC‘s response to the Australian Energy Market Commission’s (AEMC) Issues Paper for its review of the effectiveness of competition in retail electricity and natural gas markets in NSW. The submission states that at this stage of the process, PIAC has an open mind about price deregulation in the Ausgrid and Endeavour Energy electricity network areas. However, PIAC submits that there is not effective competition in the Essential Energy network area, covering much of rural and regional NSW. PIAC‘s research report, Choice? What Choice? showed that consumers in some regional centres experience extremely low levels of competition. PIAC also submits that effective competition does not exist in natural gas markets in NSW, which should therefore continue to have price regulation. Finally, the submission outlines some other measures PIAC would like to see introduced if prices are deregulated, including an abolition of early termination fees.
Reducing unfair fines and over-policing from alcohol-free zones