Integrating energy storage systems rule change options paper

Publication date:
11 February 2021
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PIAC made a submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission’s (AEMC) options paper on Integrating energy storage systems.

Storage and hybrid facilities can provide a range of important services in the NEM and will be crucial to improving efficiency and delivering a zero-emissions future. However, the current regulatory framework prevents storage from being co-optimised across all the potential value streams in a way that effectively integrates and responds to the market.

Priority should be given to options that do not impose undue registration obligations or costs on storage and hybrid facilities, and processes for storage to operate and participate in the market should be streamlined.

PIAC also considers it appropriate for AEMO take on additional responsibilities in the connection process for large storage projects owned by the Network Service Provider (NSP). However, PIAC does not consider this necessary or appropriate for smaller-scale NSP-owned projects such as community-scale batteries as this may discourage their use.

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