Harmonising DGR Regulation Without Imposing New Burdens: Submission to Treasury Tax DGR Reform Opportunities Paper

PIAC’s submission to the Treasury Discussion Paper on Tax Deductible Gift Recipient Reform Opportunities supports reforms that harmonise the treatment of charities and not-for-profits where these changes do not impose new administrative burdens on such organisations.

PIAC also supports the existing ability of charities and not-for-profits, including those that enjoy DGR status, to engage in advocacy to influence democratic debate and achieve their purposes. PIAC does not support the introduction of new reporting requirements around advocacy that appear aimed at increased ‘policing’ of these activities.

Finally, PIAC opposes the imposition of requirements that environmental organisations spend at least 25% or 50% of their budgets on ‘environmental remediation’ works. Environmental organisations should decide the activities they undertake and strategies they engage in to achieve their purposes, not governments.


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