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Submission to the [Senate] Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs on the Inquiry into the Sex Discrimination Amendment (Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Intersex Status) Bill 2013
Publication date:
29 April 2013
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This submission to the Senate Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs draws on PIAC’s casework experience in discrimination law, particularly in relation to discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.  PIAC commends the Australian Government on the introduction, for the first time in Commonwealth anti-discrimination legislation, of protections for individuals to address discrimination on the grounds of: sexual orientation; gender identity and intersex status; and relationship status. This reform is long overdue, and will provide significant benefits to sex and gender diverse people in Australia.  PIAC’s submission does not address every aspect of the SDA Bill. Rather, PIAC’s submission focuses on areas relevant to PIAC’s expertise and experience – especially through our casework.  On the whole, PIAC welcomes the SDA Bill in its current form. However, PIAC submits that there are aspects of the Bill that could be improved to achieve the Government’s aims in undertaking this reform.


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