Consumer Data Right for energy design paper

Publication date:
26 May 2021
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The Public Interest Advocacy Centre made a submission to the Commonwealth Treasury’s Consumer Data Right (CDR) rules and standards design paper.

PIAC strongly disagrees with the approaches to the data access model and sharing of joint account data proposed by Treasury. The proposals outlined in the Paper would be substantial changes to those previously agreed and supported by stakeholders, and do not reflect the key principle of the CDR: to improve people’s rights to access their data and safely authorise its use for their benefit.

The changes proposed by Treasury would see retailers given total responsibility for the authorising and sharing of peoples data, and would overturn fundamental principles of explicit consent for the sharing of joint account data. This would have serious implications for consumer utility and benefit, consumer protection, risk management, and the underlying purpose of CDR reforms.  PIAC contends there is insufficient justification to support the substance of the changes proposed, and that serious gaps and issues of utility and risk are unresolved.

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