AEMO Engagement model uplift

Publication date:
12 January 2021
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PIAC responded to the Australian Energy Market Operator’s (AEMO) engagement model uplift response paper. PIAC welcomes AEMO’s efforts to improve its engagement. We supports AEMO’s intent to pursue an uplifted business as usual model for its engagement. We consider large changes to the structure of AEMO’s engagement would not be of significant benefit to consumers and would not address some of the key issues existing in AEMO’s current approach.

We agree with the key areas for improvement AEMO highlights emerged from submissions and forums. In particular we support: 

  • Sharing emerging issues earlier, before deciding on solutions.
  • More two-way collaborative discussion and consultation.

PIAC recommends a consumer representative be included on the sub-committee, and consumer bodies’ involvement in selecting members for a potential budget and fees sub-committee within the Stakeholder Forum.

We strongly support AEMO’s proposal to maintain the Consumer Forum. This forum is key means of consumer advocates engaging with AEMO in a two-way, open manner, and provides an opportunity for advocates to hear the concerns and ideas of others.

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