
Resources Year
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We made a submission welcoming the intent of the Charter but recommending changes that clearly state the responsibilities of airports and airlines to people with disability.
The JEC made a submission to the Initial Consultation of the independent National Energy Market Wholesale Market Setting Review, convened by the federal Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water.
The JEC made a submission to the Australian Energy Regulator's Proposed Amendment to the Transmission Service Target Performance Incentive Scheme
Our explainer helps you unpack recent significant changes to the NDIS and understand what to expect in 2025.
The JEC made a submission to the NSW Parliamentary Committee for Net Zero Future's Inquiry into the 2024 Net Zero Commission's Annual Report.
The JEC made a submission to the Australian Energy Market Operator’s (AEMO) Draft 2025 Inputs, Assumptions and Scenarios Report Stage 1.
The JEC provided a submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission's Directions Paper on the Efficient Provision of Inertia.
The JEC made a submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission’s draft determination on a rule change proposing changes to the settlement arrangements of inter-regional residues forming as a result of transmission loops.
The JEC made a submission to the Commonwealth Department of Climate Change, Energy, Environment and Water's Review into he effectiveness of the Treasury Laws Amendment (Prohibiting Energy Market Misconduct) Act 2019 (Cth) (the PEMM Act).
The JEC coordinated a joint consumer and community advocate response to the AEMC's Delivering more protections for energy consumers: Changes to retail energy contracts rule change proposal. The submission was co-signed by ACOSS, Sydney Community Forum and the Ethnic Communities Council of NSW.