Submission to the AEMC Review of Electricity Compensation Frameworks
PIAC made a submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission’s Review into Electricity Compensation Frameworks. We argued that while maintaining the integrity of the market
PIAC made a submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission’s Review into Electricity Compensation Frameworks. We argued that while maintaining the integrity of the market
PIAC provided a submission in response to the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal’s (IPART) Draft Report on the Future of Embedded Networks in NSW. PIAC
PIAC provided a submission in response to the Commonwealth Department of Climate Change, Energy, Environment and Water’s Consultation Paper on the First Nations Clean Energy
PIAC made a submission to the consultation by the NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (NSW DCCEEW) on the proposed Orderly
PIAC responded to the AER Draft interim export limit guidance note. Export limits are crucial to efficiently managing network congestion and ensuring consumer energy resources
PIAC made a submission to the Treasury Consultation Paper on the use of genetic testing results in life insurance underwriting. Drawing on our work on
PIAC made a submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission Reliability Panel’s directions paper on the Review of the form of the reliability standard and
PIAC has made a joint submission with Grata Fund to a Commonwealth parliamentary inquiry into proposed legislation aimed at reforming the way legal costs are awarded
PIAC made a joint submission with the NSW Council of Social Service (NCOSS) and Financial Counsellors’ Association of NSW (FCAN) to the NSW Office of
The Federal Government is developing its Aviation White Paper, which will set direction for Australia’s aviation industry over the coming decades to 2050. PIAC made
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