Energy savings rule change consultation 2013
This submission responds to the proposed changes to the rules governing the NSW Government’s Energy Savings Scheme (ESS). PIAC’s response provides suggestions aimed at ensuring
This submission responds to the proposed changes to the rules governing the NSW Government’s Energy Savings Scheme (ESS). PIAC’s response provides suggestions aimed at ensuring
This submission responds to the Australian Energy Market Commission’s (AEMC) Consultation Paper National Electricity Amendment (Distribution Network pricing Arrangements) Rule 2014. The Consultation Paper seeks
The NSW Law Reform Commission has been asked to review the mechanisms and processes for considering and determining parole. This submission is in response to
This submission responds to the NSW Law Reform Commission Consultation Paper 15: Encouraging appropriate early guilty pleas. This submission is informed by the casework
This submission draws on PIAC’s earlier submissions to the ALRC, NSWLRC and the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet. It discusses the necessity of balancing
This submission responds to the NSW Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) draft report, ‘Early Termination Fees: Regulating the fees charged for small electricity customers
This submission discusses a wide range of access to justice issues, including unmet legal needs, the cost of accessing civil justice, avenues for improving access
This submission responds to the Australian Energy Regulator’s (AER) process to set an equity beta for use in its Rate of Return Guideline for energy
The NSW Law Reform Commission has been asked to review the mechanisms and processes for considering and determining parole. This submission is in response to
In this submission to the NSW Government, PIAC urges the Government to establish a new body or resource an existing body such as the Ombudsman
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