Protecting people from racism and ensuring freedom of speech.
In this submission on the Exposure Draft of the Freedom of Speech (Repeal of s18C) Bill 2014, PIAC recommends significant amendments to the proposed legislation.
In this submission on the Exposure Draft of the Freedom of Speech (Repeal of s18C) Bill 2014, PIAC recommends significant amendments to the proposed legislation.
This submission addresses the Australian Competition Tribunal’s consideration of an application by the energy retailer AGL to acquire Macquarie Generation from the NSW Government. The
This submission responds to the Australian Energy Market Commission’s (AEMC) Consultation Paper, National Energy Retail Amendment (Retail price variations in market retail contracts) Rule 2014
This submission responds to the NSW Department of Finance and Services’ Position Paper, Urban Water Regulation Review (the Position Paper). The submission comments on the
Targeting Criminality concerns the recent introduction of revised anti-consorting laws in NSW. Fundamentally, any consorting law, by its very nature, impinges on a person’s right
This submission responded to the pricing proposals submitted by the three NSW electricity distribution networks (DNSPs) (Essential Energy, Endeavour Energy and Ausgrid) to the Australian
This submission responded to the Australian Energy Market Commission’s (AEMC) Approach Paper for its review of competition in the retail energy market across the National
This submission responded to the Australian Government’s Issues Paper for the development of an Energy White Paper (the Issues Paper). In the submission, PIAC supported
This submission responded to the NSW Government’s review of the targets for the performance of new developments against the Building Sustainability Index (BASIX). In the
This submission is in response to the Australian Law Reform Commission’s review of equal recognition before the law and legal capacity for people with disability.
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