Submission to Transgrid HumeLink contingent project application stage 2
PIAC made a submission to the AER concerning Transgrid’s Contingent Project Application for stage 2 (CPA2) of the Humelink Project. The CPA2 requested approval for
PIAC made a submission to the AER concerning Transgrid’s Contingent Project Application for stage 2 (CPA2) of the Humelink Project. The CPA2 requested approval for
PIAC made a submission to the consultation by the federal Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) on its implementation design paper
PIAC made a submission to the Australian Energy Regulator’s Draft retail performance reporting procedures and guidelines. We reiterated our support for the AER requiring retailers
In December 2023, the Australian Government introduced the Administrative Review Tribunal Bill 2023 (Cth) to Parliament. If passed, it will abolish the Administrative Appeals Tribunal and
PIAC made a submission to IPART’s Sydney Water Operating Licence Review Discussion Paper and Draft Licence. We had previously made a submission to the Issues
PIAC made a submission to the NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, Environment and Water’s Household Energy Strategy Consultation Paper. The paper sought feedback on
PIAC and SACOSS provided a joint submission in response to the AER’s consultation paper on their approach to the Net System Load Profile for DMO
In December 2023, the Australian Government introduced the Administrative Review Tribunal Bill 2023 (Cth) to Parliament. If passed, it will abolish the Administrative Appeals Tribunal and
PIAC responded to the AER Draft Decision on the 2024-29 revenue determinations for Ausgrid, Endeavour, and Essential Energy. In this submission we identify broad areas
PIAC made a submission to the Draft 2024 Integrated System Plan (ISP). The ISP is a biennial planning document in which the Australian Energy Market
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