This submission is in response to the AEMC’s pipeline access discussion paper. The discussion paper outlines the required governance arrangements, terms and conditions for primary
This submission is in response to the AEMC’s wholesale gas market discussion paper, to outline design options for the proposed changes to the Victorian declared
PIAC’s response to IPART’s draft price determinations for both Sydney Water and Hunter Water is largely supportive of the proposals. PIAC is pleased that IPART
This submission responds to the Australian Energy Regulator’s (AER) Sustainable Payment Plans Framework. The framework was developed as a response to the AER’s 2015 review
In this submission the Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) commented on the proposed tariff structure statements from the three NSW distribution networks. PIAC raised concerns
The use of the remote disconnection function has the potential to remove an important final safety check available to customers faced with disconnection. PIAC notes that
This submission is in response to the Australian Energy Market Commission’s (AEMC) Stage 2 Draft Report for the East Coast Wholesale Gas Market and Pipeline
The submission Re-leased: improving standards for tenants responds to the NSW Department of Fair Trading’s discussion paper Residential Tenancies Act 2010 Review (the discussion paper).
This rule-change is designed to improve the financial viability of a range of decentralised energy projects involving local councils, shopping centres, office buildings, apartments, precinct
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