AER remitted NSW/ACT DNSPs 2014-19 opex decisions
PIAC responded to the AER’s issues paper regarding Ausgrid and Endeavour Energy’s remitted opex decisions for the 2014-19 regulatory control period. In PIAC’s view, the
PIAC responded to the AER’s issues paper regarding Ausgrid and Endeavour Energy’s remitted opex decisions for the 2014-19 regulatory control period. In PIAC’s view, the
PIAC lodged a submission to IPART on its 2017 NSW retail electricity market monitoring draft report. Given the findings of various reports examining the high profit
PIAC lodged a submission to the AER on its draft decision to the DNSP ring-fencing waiver applications, supporting the AER’s draft decision. As noted in our
The Australian Energy Market Commission sought feedback regarding the draft rule, requested by the Australian Energy Regulator, to strengthen protections for customers who need life
PIAC lodged a joint submission with Energy Networks Australia and the Alternative Technology Association (ATA) to the AEMC’s draft determination on the Alternatives to grid-supplied
PIAC lodged a submission to IPART’s asset disposal policy consultation. PIAC support’s IPART’s preliminary position that it: use a gross value for determining asset value
PIAC noted that long term funding certainty, and retention of knowledge and experience in the sector, is essential for consumer advocacy to make a lasting
PIAC lodged a submission to IPART on its asset disposals policy consultation, supporting IPART’s preliminary position. While it may be appropriate for businesses to recover the
PIAC made a submission to the AEMC’s Contestability of energy services draft rule determination. PIAC supported the intent of the rule to facilitate the updated
PIAC made an oral submission to the AER’s issues paper on options to facilitate the delivery of better price information to retail energy customers. This
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