Reducing Customer Switching Times
PIAC responded to the AEMC’s consultation on the proposed rule change, intended to reduce the time taken customers to switch between retailers. PIAC considers the ability of customers to switch easily
PIAC responded to the AEMC’s consultation on the proposed rule change, intended to reduce the time taken customers to switch between retailers. PIAC considers the ability of customers to switch easily
PIAC responded to the COAG Energy Council’s consultation on the National Hydrogen Strategy issue paper 6 – Hydrogen in the gas network. We note
PIAC responded to the Australian Energy Regulator’s (AER) consultation paper on the review of the Retail Pricing Information Guidelines (the Guidelines). We outline a number
PIAC responded to the AEMC’s consultation on the transmission loss factor rule change. We note as the energy system is transforming a framework for optimal
PIAC responded to the AEMC’s consultation on a rule change to extend the Demand Management Incentives Schemes (DMIS) and Demand Management Innovation Allowance (DMIA) to
PIAC along with NSW Farmers, Total Environment Centre, Renew, South Australian Council of Social Services, Consumer Action Law Centre, and Uniting Communities made a joint
PIAC responded to the AER’s consultation paper on the Forecasting Best Practice Guideline for the Retailer Reliability Obligation (RRO). The issues and our recommendations on
PIAC made a submission to the AER’s consultation on Distribution Network Service Provider (DNSPs, AKA energy networks) expenditure on Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Good
PIAC made a submission to AEMO’s reliability forecasting methodology issues paper. AEMO has been tasked with providing forecasts to assist the implementation of the Retailer
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