
Towards Truth is a partnership between PIAC and UNSW Indigenous Law Centre.
Former disability discrimination commissioner Graeme Innes settled a dispute over a 'humiliating and distressing' experience.
We secured a settlement for our client Yasir* who alleges he was forced to wear handcuffs to access healthcare.
Comments from CEO Jonathon Hunyor featured in the Canberra Times.
We worked tirelessly to defeat the STMP, which unlawfully targeted First Nations people.
Our report with Housing Hub showed we had improved NDIA decision making processes.
Documents about our client's detention under COVID-19 public health orders were heavily redacted. After we sought a review at NCAT, new versions were provided.
Our advocacy helped secure changes easing the pressure on people in housing crisis.
We were honoured to receive this award, recognising the contribution of a non-Aboriginal agency in partnership with the community.
A pause on the 'rental diary' requirement gives people relief from stressful bureaucracy at a time of crisis.
Our Homeless Persons’ Legal Service helped a public housing tenant win a case against his problem landlord at the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal.
Consorting laws are being misused and disproportionately target Aboriginal people.
StreetCare is celebrating several recent successes that will improve the lives of people experiencing homelessness – with benefits rippling out to communities across NSW.
Following a two year legal battle, our client Sally* finally received NDS funding for her assistance dog Toby.

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