
All New South Wales households and communities should have dependable, affordable and sustainable water services.

We are a community and consumer voice in water policy, planning, regulation and pricing processes. Our approach responds to climate change, supports community interests and seeks to ensure equitable access to water services, particularly for households and communities already facing disadvantage.

Our work also seeks to ensure that when water providers engage with communities, they listen and give effect to their views in decision-making.

News and resources

PIAC made a submission in response to IPARTs issues paper as part of their Sydney Water Operating Licence Review. PIAC welcomed the improvement in the accessibility of IPARTs process and
Water consumer advocate, the Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC), has welcomed the Productivity Commission’s calls for an overhaul of Australia’s national water policy. In a report released on Thursday, the
PIAC is concerned recently announced changes to the way water is priced for Sydney and Hunter region households do not encourage sustainable long-term water use and planning, and will leave
The recent rains across parts of New South Wales provide breathing space for better long-term resource planning to ensure water is secure and affordable into the future. PIAC calls on
The Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) welcomes the NSW Government investigating water recycling as a necessary measure to secure Sydney’s water supply during ongoing drought conditions. PIAC supports water recycling,
‘Economists say Sydney’s water is too cheap, and the city is “massively under-valuing” a scarce and finite resource as the drought continues unabated.’ ‘”Water in NSW isn’t dirt cheap. It’s

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