
Equitable access to energy is an essential foundation of health, wellbeing and participation in the community.

The Justice and Equity Centre provides crucial oversight of energy regulation in NSW. We work to ensure all households have fair access to the energy services they need. We focus on changes that make household energy services more affordable, sustainable and dependable, for all members of our community.  

We are an influential voice for households and communities in business, policy and regulatory processes, working collaboratively with communities, energy companies and governments, to ensure energy systems and markets meet everyone’s needs. Robust regulation, protections and supports for those facing disadvantage are essential to energy equity.

Our work also seeks to ensure that when energy providers engage with communities, they listen and give effect to their views in decision-making.

News and resources

Nearly every household is struggling to pay their energy bills, Senior Policy Officer Thea Bray told the ABC.
Powerless: Debt and disconnection is the fifth in a series of reports by the PIAC into debt, disconnection and payment difficulty related to electricity, gas and water services in NSW. It follows
PIAC provided a response to NSW DCCEEW’s targeted consultation that sought feedback on IPART’s Final Future of Embedded Networks Review Report and on the NSW embedded network work plan.  Addressing
PIAC made a submission to the Australian Energy Regulator’s (AER) Value of network resilience 2024 issues paper.  Clearer and more consistent guidance on resilience is necessary to assist network service
PIAC made a submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission’s (AEMC) draft determination on Accelerating smart meter deployment. Smart meters digitally measure and record electricity consumption and power quality data
PIAC made a submission to the Australian Energy Regulator’s (AER) review of the cost benefit analysis (CBA) guidelines and the Regulated Investment Test for Transmission and Distribution (RIT-T and RIT-D)

Every donation helps build a fairer, stronger society.

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