A just transition

Transforming our energy system isn’t negotiable. But how we go about it is.

The impacts of climate change fall most heavily on people and communities experiencing disadvantage, and they are often least equipped to adapt to its effects.

We need urgent action if we are to mitigate the worst impacts of climate change and achieve Australia’s goal of a net-zero economy by 2050. Our society must move from a reliance on fossil fuels to sustainable, clean energy sources to rapidly reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

But a just transition must be underpinned by social and economic transformation that puts people and communities first.

Our work is helping to accelerate the transition away from fossil fuels while ensuring no one is left behind.

We lead cross-sector advocacy to influence government and corporate decision-making, engage in regulatory processes to drive fairer outcomes, and use targeted legal strategies to improve energy policy and regulation.

Our solutions promote smart, principled and targeted investment and regulation, to achieve a transition to a zero-carbon energy system that is sustainable and fair.

News and resources

The JEC made a submission to the Initial Consultation of the independent National Energy Market Wholesale Market Setting Review, convened by the federal Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment
The JEC provided a submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission's Directions Paper on the Efficient Provision of Inertia.
The JEC made a submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission’s draft determination on a rule change proposing changes to the settlement arrangements of inter-regional residues forming as a result
The JEC provided a submission to the NSW Parliamentary Committee for Regional NSW's Inquiry into the impact of Renewable Energy Zones (REZs) on rural and regional communities and industries in
The JEC made a submission to the Australian Energy Regulator’s (AER) draft explanatory paper on the electricity transmission ringfencing guideline, version 5.
The JEC made a submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission’s (AEMC) draft determination on the rule change proposal aimed at improving the cost recovery arrangements for transmission non-network options.

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