People locked up in immigration detention deserve to be treated humanely and with dignity.
But Australia’s immigration detention regime is unnecessarily cruel. Mandatory and prolonged detention policies condemn people who are seeking asylum to years behind razor wire, where they are subject to harsh and inhumane treatment. These policies must end.
Our asylum seeker rights project protects the fundamental human rights of people in detention. We do this by demanding the delivery of essential healthcare at a standard equal to that available in the community and challenging some of the worst conditions and practices of detention like the arbitrary and excessive use of handcuffs and other restraints.
Our test cases expose unlawful practices, unfair policies and gaps in the legal system that cause people harm. Our strategic advocacy holds the Commonwealth and its contractors accountable to their domestic and international legal obligations and ensures their conduct is scrutinised, within Australia and internationally.
The Justice and Equity Centre is a leading independent law and policy centre. We help build a fairer, stronger society by tackling injustice and inequality.
We are a Deductible Gift Recipient. All donations over $2 are tax deductible.
Gadigal Country
Level 5, 175 Liverpool Street
Sydney, NSW, 2000, Australia
P +61 2 8898 6500
F +61 2 8898 6555
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