NSW solar battery loan scheme a win for households

The Public Interest Advocacy Centre welcomes the New South Wales government’s announcement of a pilot solar battery loan scheme for households in the Hunter region.

Under the scheme eligible Hunter home owners will be able to access interest-free loans for battery and solar-battery systems.

‘Most people want lower power bills and sustainable energy sources, and the energy system needs the additional security provided by energy storage. This great initiative from the NSW government meets all these goals, showing commitment to reducing cost of living and transforming the energy system’, said Craig Memery, Energy Policy Lead at the Public Interest Advocacy Centre.

PIAC supports the scheme being limited to households with a combined income of less than $180,000 so the benefits accrue to people who need it most, and encourages the government to look how it can make the scheme available to those who don’t own their own homes.

‘NSW government should use what it learns from this pilot and other schemes to ensure renters, particularly those in social or community housing, also have access to tools to deliver clean and cheap power’, Mr Memery said.

MEDIA CONTACTS: PIAC Media and Communications Officer, Gemma Pearce: 0478 739 280;

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