Hearing tomorrow in High Court case to stop same-sex marriage postal vote

The High Court in Melbourne will tomorrow begin hearing cases brought by PIAC and the Human Rights Law Centre to stop the same-sex marriage postal vote. The hearing is expected to take two days.

The Public Interest Advocacy Centre and the Human Rights Law Centre are both seeking to stop the government proceeding with the postal vote on same-sex marriage. The two cases are being heard at the same time.

PIAC is representing Andrew Wilkie, Member for Denison, PFLAG (Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays) and Felicity Marlowe, a mother in a same-sex relationship with three young children.

The Human Rights Law Centre are bringing a case on behalf of Australian Marriage Equality and Janet Rice, a Victorian Greens Senator.

An explainer about the case is available here.

There will be a joint media conference outside the court before the hearing commences.

Who: Lawyers and clients for both the PIAC and HRLC cases

Where: High Court (Melbourne Registry), Commonwealth Law Courts Building, 305 William St,


When: Media conference at 9:30am, Tuesday 5 September 2017

MEDIA CONTACT: PIAC Media and Communications Manager, Gemma Pearce: 0478 739 280.

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