Survey: Handcuff use in Australian onshore immigration detention

PIAC is gathering information about the use of handcuffs in Australian onshore immigration detention to investigate the potential for a class action.

Please use this form to tell us about your experience if you were handcuffed while held in onshore immigration detention:

  • in Western Australia (including Christmas Island) or the Northern Territory, at any time from 2021 until now; or 
  • in any other state or territory of Australia, at any time from 2018 until now. 

The form will take about 10 minutes to complete. If you need help, you can ask someone (like a friend, family member or case worker) to help you fill it out.

We may contact you after you complete the form to ask if you are willing to share more information.

If you know other people who may also have experiences to share, we encourage you to share the form with them.

You must answer every question marked with *

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Towards Truth is a partnership between PIAC and UNSW Indigenous Law Centre.
Former disability discrimination commissioner Graeme Innes settled a dispute over a 'humiliating and distressing' experience.
We secured a settlement for our client Yasir* who alleges he was forced to wear handcuffs to access healthcare.

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