Alastair Lawrie

Director of Policy and Advocacy

Alastair joined the Justice and Equity Centre in June 2017 and is Director of Policy and Advocacy. He supervises the work of the Media and Policy team, as well as contributing to the policy and advocacy work of several of our projects within the Strategic Litigation team. 

He has led our policy and advocacy efforts on several specific projects, with a focus on anti-discrimination law reform. This has included campaigning to stop the Morrison Government’s Religious Discrimination Bill, to protect LGBTQ students and teachers in religious schools against discrimination, and to modernise the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 (NSW). 

Alastair has two decades of experience in public policy, most recently as Policy and Engagement Manager at Hepatitis NSW. He has also served as a ministerial adviser to the Commonwealth Cabinet Secretary and Special Minister of State, and Minister for Agriculture, and worked for Victoria Legal Aid and the Victorian Departments of Premier & Cabinet and Justice. 

Alastair is a Board Member of LGBTIQ+ Health Australia, Board Member of Twenty10, adviser to the board of Just.Equal Australia, and member of the LGBTIQA+ sub-committee of Australian Lawyers for Human Rights. He has been a mentor with the Pinnacle Foundation, volunteer with Pride Foundation Australia and the Equality Project, and the Policy Working Group Chair of both the Victorian and NSW Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobbies. In 2017, Alastair was a finalist in the Tony Fitzgerald Community Individual Category at the Australian Human Rights Awards.