Submission on the Draft 2025 Inputs and Assumptions Report for the Integrated System Plan

The JEC made a submission to the Australian Energy Market Operator’s (AEMO) Draft 2025 Inputs, Assumptions and Scenarios Report Stage 1.

We proposed that a fourth scenario was added to the existing three scenarios, based on the assumption that battery storage costs continued to fall and the National Energy Market sees a sharp up-tick in the take-up of battery investment at the residential, industrial and network levels. Such a state of the world is not well-captured in the existing scenarios, but describes a plausible and important future state of the world.

We also argue that the ISP is not fundamentally fit for purpose, and that due to the nature of the task of producing an ISP, cannot be made fit for purpose for the 2026 iteration. Therefore, we argue, work should begin now to produce a framework for the 2028 ISP that does render it fit for purpose. We argue that stages of the 2026 ISP process should be co-opted into the task of producing this new framework.

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