Submission to DCCEEW Review of the ISP

Publication date:
16 November 2023
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PIAC made an interim submission to the Review of the ISP being conducted by the federal Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water.

The department is taking inputs on the advisability of ‘supercharging’ the Integrated System Plan (ISP), broadly meaning that gas planning is integrated into the ISP somehow.

PIAC does not support this aim. We need a gas strategy, but its functions will be to manage a rapid reduction in demand for and use of gas, both domestically and in export, and to manage the orderly retirement of gas-related infrastructure. The ISP is not an appropriate venue for these tasks.

PIAC does support the ambition of reforming the ISP, however. Specifically, it should function truly as a whole of energy system plan, and co-optimise the transformations occurring on the supply and demand sides of the electricity market.

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