Second submission to the Independent Review of the National Disability Insurance Scheme

Publication date:
25 August 2023
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PIAC made a second submission to the Independent Review of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (the Review). The Review’s interim ‘What we have heard’ report released on 30 June 2023 outlined several topics and questions the Review is considering and seeking solutions on.

This submission summarises PIAC’s views and recommendations in response to the following ‘priority areas for improvement’ in Part B of the interim report:  

  • Topic 1: Applying and getting a plan;  
  • Topic 2: A complete and joined up ecosystem of support; 
  • Topic 3: Defining reasonable and necessary; and  
  • Topic 9: Supported living and housing.    

Many of the concerns we have over the National Disability Insurance Agency’s practices arise from a failure to put participants and people with disability at the centre of administering the NDIS. In this submission we set out our recommendations regarding how to make access and planning simpler and less stressful for participants.

We also set out our recommendations regarding the effective implementation of and investment in Tier 2 supports and how equitable access to supports for people with disability over 65 can be achieved.  

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