PIAC letter regarding AEMC Draft Rule Determination on National Electricity Amendment (Strengthening protections for customers requiring life support equipment) Rule 2017

The Australian Energy Market Commission sought feedback regarding the draft rule, requested by the Australian Energy Regulator, to strengthen protections for customers who need life support equipment. PIAC supports the draft rule determination as it will lead to improved safeguards against disconnection for consumers who require the use of life support equipment in their home. Currently, consumers may believe they are properly registered on a ‘do not disconnect’ register when they are not.
The protections for consumers could be further strengthened by making it mandatory that retailers ask new customers whether they need life support equipment, in case switching consumers forget, or lack the opportunity to, inform their new retailer. Currently, this is of particular concern when vulnerable people are switched by rental property managers, brokers and switching sites who might switch a consumer to a new retailer without ensuring that their need for life support is recorded.
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