Submission to managing power system fault levels draft determination

Publication date:
8 August 2017
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PIAC responded to the AEMC’s draft determination to the managing power system fault levels rule change. PIAC generally supports the AEMC’s draft determination, and the intention to maintain consistency where possible with current arrangements under any new Rules. PIAC supports providing an effective signal to proponents that reflects the benefits of their proposed connection, as long as arrangements don’t discourage efficient and cost-effective new generation is not from entering the market.

PIAC agrees with the AEMC’s approach to ensuring that new generation connections “do no harm” to system strength for existing connected parties. PIAC strongly supports placing the onus on the NSP to determine whether a connection proponent would adversely impact system strength in the proposed location. Further, PIAC supports providing proponents with more information of the type and scale of likely system security issues early in the connection process.

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