PIAC made an submission to the Review of the ISP being conducted by the federal Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water.
The department is taking inputs on the advisability of ‘supercharging’ the Integrated System Plan (ISP).
PIAC supports reforming the Integrated System Plan (ISP). ISP reform and this review should focus on changes which enable the ISP to function more effectively as a genuine whole-of-system plan for the most cost-effective mix of transmission, distribution, generation, storage, and demand-side options to decarbonise the energy system.
PIAC does not support the department’s proposal to integrate gas planning within the ISP. A long-term plan for the future of gas is needed, but the ISP is not the appropriate place for it.
We propose reforms to make the planning system more agile, meaning able to adjust plans as new information comes to light. This is needed to ensure energy investments made on behalf of energy consumers are efficient and prudent.
Reducing unfair fines and over-policing from alcohol-free zones