Jemena Gas Networks revised access arrangement 2020-25

Publication date:
20 February 2020
Resource type:

PIAC responded to the Australian Energy Regulator’s (AER) consultation on Jemena Gas Network’s (JGN) revised access arrangement 2020-25.

PIAC’s submission builds on earlier engagement with JGN as part of this process.

PIAC supports the AER’s draft determination not to allow accelerated depreciation for new network investments to address potential future asset stranding risk.

Jemena has proposed that introducing accelerated depreciation for new network investments would reflect the preferences of their consumers as determined through their deliberative forums. While we consider Jemena’s engagement was very good overall, PIAC challenges the accuracy of Jemena’s claim in this case, as the issue was not represented to participants in a completely balanced and accurate manner.

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