Comments on AEMC’s 2018 Retail energy competition review

Publication date:
8 February 2018
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PIAC responded to a call for comments on the AEMC’s proposed approach to their 2018 Retail energy competition review. To assist the Commission with its Review, PIAC provided them with three PIAC submissions that have explored issues related to the scope of the Review. These were:

  1. Overpriced and underwhelming: a retail market that has failed consumers, PIAC submission to the ACCC’s Retail Electricity Pricing Inquiry, 5 July 2017
  2. Affordable and efficient, or overpriced and underwhelming 2.0?: Options for the future energy market. PIAC submission to ACCC Preliminary Report into Retail Electricity Pricing Inquiry, 17 November 2017
  3. Submission to the Select Committee Inquiry into Electricity Supply, Demand and Prices in NSW, 16 October 2017

These submissions explored issues such as the huge difference between standing offer prices and discounted market offers and the lack of transparency in the components of a bill; our concerns with how competition currently works and suggested policy changes that could address these issues; and our concerns for the most vulnerable consumers in a competitive market, including pay-on-time discounts acting as an excessive late fee.


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