Resource Types: Submission

Submission to AEMC Rule Change Proposal Improving consideration of demand-side factors in the ISP

The JEC made a submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission’s rule change process concerning changes to how the market operator considers demand-side factors, such as the take-up of behind the meter generation, demand response, electrification, energy efficiency improvements, and demand shifting. While we support the rule change proposal, we made some small qualifications of this support.

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Submission to the AER’s Draft system security network support payment guideline

Our submission to the Australian Energy Regulator’s draft guideline identifies that system security network support services are a growing area of need, as the energy system moves from a fossil fuel basis to a renewable one. We argue that the proposed regulatory system for these investments offers inadequate alignment between the interests of consumers and the transmission network service providers (TNSPs) who invest in these services on their behalf.

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Submission to the Aviation Industry Ombuds Scheme – Consultation Paper

Following the release of the Aviation White Paper, the Federal Government is establishing an Aviation Industry Ombuds Scheme to resolve consumer complaints. Our submission highlight the need to consider people with disability in the design of the Ombuds Scheme, including in setting up the Board to govern the Ombuds Scheme and developing the complaints process. 

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